Oso High Endurance Sports is committed class 100 endurance race to supporting patient service and research funding activities of The ALS Division of the Muscular Dystrophy Association, and The ALS .
The ninth race of the Kenda National Ultra Endurance (NUE) Series, the Fool's Gold 100 and 50-mile races, began with ideal mild weather along with primo course conditions for .
Results as of July 25th, provided by BART Timing. If you have questions or concerns about the results, please contact the Race Director, Julia Hutchinson, including a clear .
OK, so this will be the first of many
Usain Bolt won the 100 meters because of his speed endurance. I've said this all along, unless you are running a 40 yard dash or 50 meter sprint, spri
A 100 mile mountain bike race in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Includes course information, registration forms and race results.
"The most difficult 100 mile mountain bike race in the country"
Stuckattheairport.com January 8th, 2012 by Harriet Baskas Horseback riding at the airport? Yup. The volunteer Airport Rangers at Houston
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Year 2010 Summary The riding season came to an end with the Desert Gold ride end of November. This ride was held in the vicinity
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Team Suzuki raced to a one-two finish in the Phillip Island 8 Hour Australian Endurance Championship at Phillip Island in Victoria at the weekend. Superbike team riders Josh .
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